Guided Project: Predicting board game reviews

Posted on Wed 08 July 2015 in Projects

In [3]:
import pandas

board_games = pandas.read_csv("board_games.csv")
board_games = board_games.dropna(axis=0)
board_games = board_games[board_games["users_rated"] > 0]

id type name yearpublished minplayers maxplayers playingtime minplaytime maxplaytime minage users_rated average_rating bayes_average_rating total_owners total_traders total_wanters total_wishers total_comments total_weights average_weight
0 12333 boardgame Twilight Struggle 2005 2 2 180 180 180 13 20113 8.33774 8.22186 26647 372 1219 5865 5347 2562 3.4785
1 120677 boardgame Terra Mystica 2012 2 5 150 60 150 12 14383 8.28798 8.14232 16519 132 1586 6277 2526 1423 3.8939
2 102794 boardgame Caverna: The Cave Farmers 2013 1 7 210 30 210 12 9262 8.28994 8.06886 12230 99 1476 5600 1700 777 3.7761
3 25613 boardgame Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization 2006 2 4 240 240 240 12 13294 8.20407 8.05804 14343 362 1084 5075 3378 1642 4.1590
4 3076 boardgame Puerto Rico 2002 2 5 150 90 150 12 39883 8.14261 8.04524 44362 795 861 5414 9173 5213 3.2943
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

(array([   602.,   1231.,   2824.,   5206.,   8223.,  13593.,  13849.,
          8470.,   2224.,    672.]),
 array([  1. ,   1.9,   2.8,   3.7,   4.6,   5.5,   6.4,   7.3,   8.2,
          9.1,  10. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [5]:

Error metric

In this data set, using mean squared error as an error metric makes sense. This is because the data is continuous, and follows a somewhat normal distribution. We'll be able to compare our error to the standard deviation to see how good the model is at predictions.

In [39]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

clus = KMeans(n_clusters=5)
cols = list(board_games.columns)
numeric = board_games[cols]
KMeans(copy_x=True, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_clusters=5, n_init=10,
    n_jobs=1, precompute_distances=True, random_state=None, tol=0.0001,
In [26]:
import numpy
game_mean = numeric.apply(numpy.mean, axis=1)
game_std = numeric.apply(numpy.std, axis=1)
In [27]:
labels = clus.labels_

plt.scatter(x=game_mean, y=game_std, c=labels)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x10b5516d8>

Game clusters

It looks like most of the games are similar, but as the game attributes tend to increase in value (such as number of users who rated), there are fewer high quality games. So most games don't get played much, but a few get a lot of players.

In [29]:
correlations = numeric.corr()

yearpublished           0.108461
minplayers             -0.032701
maxplayers             -0.008335
playingtime             0.048994
minplaytime             0.043985
maxplaytime             0.048994
minage                  0.210049
users_rated             0.112564
average_rating          1.000000
bayes_average_rating    0.231563
total_owners            0.137478
total_traders           0.119452
total_wanters           0.196566
total_wishers           0.171375
total_comments          0.123714
total_weights           0.109691
average_weight          0.351081
Name: average_rating, dtype: float64


The yearpublished column is surprisingly highly correlated with average_rating, showing that more recent games tend to be rated more highly. Games for older players (minage is high) tend to be more highly rated. The more "weighty" a game is (average_weight is high), the more highly it tends to be rated.

In [40]:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

reg = LinearRegression()
cols.remove("bayes_average_rating")[cols], board_games["average_rating"])
predictions = reg.predict(board_games[cols])

numpy.mean((predictions - board_games["average_rating"]) ** 2)

Game clusters

The error rate is close to the standard deviation of all board game ratings. This indicates that our model may not have high predictive power. We'll need to dig more into which games were scored well, and which ones weren't.

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